Pubblicazioni 2023

  • Verdile, N., Camin, F., Stuknyte, M., Pasquariello, R., Pavlovic, R., De Noni, I., Brevini, A. L., and Gandolfi, F. (2023). Development and Characterization of Novel Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Cell-Based Organotypic Intestinal Prototypes. In Book of Abstracts of the Aquaculture Europe 2023, Vienna (Austria), 18–21.09.2023. Servizio MS.
  • Verdile, N., Camin, F., Pavlovic, R., Pasquariello, R., Stuknytė, M., De Noni, I., Brevini, T.A.L., and Gandolfi, F. (2023). Distinct Organotypic Platforms Modulate Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Intestinal Cell Differentiation In Vitro. Cells, 12(14): 1843. DOI: 10.3390/cells12141843. Servizio MS.
  • Campostrini, I., Demartin, F., Finello, G., Vignola, P. (2023). Aluminotaipingite-(CeCa), (Ce6Ca3)Al(SiO4)3[SiO3(OH)]4F3, a new member of the cerite-supergroup minerals. Mineralogical Magazine, 87(5): 741–747. DOI: 10.1180/mgm.2023.51. Servizi SEM e XRD.
  • Portmann, R., Jiménez-Barrios, P., Jardin, J., Abbühl, L., Barile, D., Danielsen, M., Huang, Y.-P., Kastrup Dalsgaard, T., Miralles, B., Briard-Bion, V., Cattaneo, S., Chambon, Ch., Cudennec, B., De Noni, I., Deracinois, B., Dupont, D., Duval, A., Flahaut, Ch., López-Nicolás, R., Nehir El, S., Pica, V., Santé-Lhoutellier, V., Stuknytė, M., Theron, L., Sayd, T., Recio, I., Egger, L. (2023). A multi-centre peptidomics investigation of food digesta: current state of the art in mass spectrometry analysis and data visualization. Food Research International, 169: 112887. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2023.112887. Servizio MS.
  • Cattaneo, S., Masotti, F., Stuknytė, M., De Noni, I. (2023). Impact of the in vitro static digestion method on the release of β-casomorphin 7 from bovine milk and cheeses with A1 and A2 β-casein phenotypes. Food Chemistry, 404: 134617. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.134617. Servizio MS.
  • Deidda, M. L., Naitza, S., Moroni, M., De Giudici, G. B., Fancello, D., Idini, A., Risplendente, A. (2023). Mineralogy of the scheelite-bearing ores of Monte Tamara, SW Sardinia: Insights for the evolution of a Late Variscan W-Sn skarn system. Mineralogical Magazine, 87(1): 86–108. DOI: 10.1180/mgm.2022.119. Servizio Microsonda.
  • Rovera, C., Carullo, D., Bellesia, T., Büyükta¸ D., Ghaani, M., Caneva, E., Farris, S. (2023). Extraction of high-quality grade cellulose and cellulose nanocrystals from different lignocellulosic agro-waste feedstocks. Frontiers in Sustainable Food System, 6: 1087867. DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.1087867. Servizio NMR.
  • Masotti, F., Cattaneo, S., Stuknytė, M., De Noni, I. (2023). Current insights into non-thermal preservation technologies alternative to conventional high-temperature short-time pasteurization of drinking milk. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(22): 5643–5660. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2021.2022596. Servizio MS.